
class cupy.cuda.memory_hooks.LineProfileHook(max_depth=0)[source]#

Code line CuPy memory profiler.

This profiler shows line-by-line GPU memory consumption using traceback module. But, note that it can trace only CPython level, no Cython level. ref. cython/cython#1755


Code example:

from cupy.cuda import memory_hooks
hook = memory_hooks.LineProfileHook()
with hook:
    # some CuPy codes

Output example:

_root (4.00KB, 4.00KB)
  lib/python3.6/unittest/<module> (4.00KB, 4.00KB)
    lib/python3.6/unittest/ (4.00KB, 4.00KB)
      tests/cupy_tests/ (1.00KB, 1.00KB)
      tests/cupy_tests/ (1.00KB, 1.00KB)
      tests/cupy_tests/ (2.00KB, 2.00KB)

Each line shows:

{filename}:{lineno}:{func_name} ({used_bytes}, {acquired_bytes})

where used_bytes is the memory bytes used from CuPy memory pool, and acquired_bytes is the actual memory bytes the CuPy memory pool acquired from GPU device. _root is a root node of the stack trace to show total memory usage.


max_depth (int) – maximum depth to follow stack traces. Default is 0 (no limit).


__exit__(self, *_)#
alloc_postprocess(self, **kwargs)#

Callback function invoked after allocating memory from GPU device.

Keyword Arguments:
  • device_id (int) – CUDA device ID

  • mem_size (int) – Rounded memory bytesize allocated

  • mem_ptr (int) – Obtained memory pointer. 0 if an error occurred in allocation.

alloc_preprocess(self, **kwargs)[source]#

Callback function invoked before allocating memory from GPU device.

Keyword Arguments:
  • device_id (int) – CUDA device ID

  • mem_size (int) – Rounded memory bytesize to be allocated

free_postprocess(self, **kwargs)#

Callback function invoked after releasing memory to memory pool.

Keyword Arguments:
  • device_id (int) – CUDA device ID

  • mem_size (int) – Memory bytesize

  • mem_ptr (int) – Memory pointer to free

  • pmem_id (int) – Pooled memory object ID.

free_preprocess(self, **kwargs)#

Callback function invoked before releasing memory to memory pool.

Keyword Arguments:
  • device_id (int) – CUDA device ID

  • mem_size (int) – Memory bytesize

  • mem_ptr (int) – Memory pointer to free

  • pmem_id (int) – Pooled memory object ID.

malloc_postprocess(self, **kwargs)#

Callback function invoked after retrieving memory from memory pool.

Keyword Arguments:
  • device_id (int) – CUDA device ID

  • size (int) – Requested memory bytesize to allocate

  • mem_size (int) – Rounded memory bytesize allocated

  • mem_ptr (int) – Obtained memory pointer. 0 if an error occurred in malloc.

  • pmem_id (int) – Pooled memory object ID. 0 if an error occurred in malloc.

malloc_preprocess(self, **kwargs)[source]#

Callback function invoked before retrieving memory from memory pool.

Keyword Arguments:
  • device_id (int) – CUDA device ID

  • size (int) – Requested memory bytesize to allocate

  • mem_size (int) – Rounded memory bytesize to be allocated

print_report(file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>)[source]#

Prints a report of line memory profiling.

__eq__(value, /)#

Return self==value.

__ne__(value, /)#

Return self!=value.

__lt__(value, /)#

Return self<value.

__le__(value, /)#

Return self<=value.

__gt__(value, /)#

Return self>value.

__ge__(value, /)#

Return self>=value.


name = 'LineProfileHook'#