Array Creation Routines

Basic creation routines

cupy.empty Returns an array without initializing the elements.
cupy.empty_like Returns a new array with same shape and dtype of a given array.
cupy.eye Returns a 2-D array with ones on the diagonals and zeros elsewhere.
cupy.identity Returns a 2-D identity array.
cupy.ones Returns a new array of given shape and dtype, filled with ones.
cupy.ones_like Returns an array of ones with same shape and dtype as a given array.
cupy.zeros Returns a new array of given shape and dtype, filled with zeros.
cupy.zeros_like Returns an array of zeros with same shape and dtype as a given array.
cupy.full Returns a new array of given shape and dtype, filled with a given value.
cupy.full_like Returns a full array with same shape and dtype as a given array.

Creation from other data

cupy.array Creates an array on the current device.
cupy.asarray Converts an object to array.
cupy.asanyarray Converts an object to array.
cupy.ascontiguousarray Returns a C-contiguous array.
cupy.copy Creates a copy of a given array on the current device.

Numerical ranges

cupy.arange Returns an array with evenly spaced values within a given interval.
cupy.linspace Returns an array with evenly-spaced values within a given interval.
cupy.logspace Returns an array with evenly-spaced values on a log-scale.
cupy.meshgrid Return coordinate matrices from coordinate vectors.
cupy.mgrid Construct a multi-dimensional “meshgrid”.
cupy.ogrid Construct a multi-dimensional “meshgrid”.

Matrix creation

cupy.diag Returns a diagonal or a diagonal array.
cupy.diagflat Creates a diagonal array from the flattened input.
cupy.tri Creates an array with ones at and below the given diagonal.
cupy.tril Returns a lower triangle of an array.
cupy.triu Returns an upper triangle of an array.