
cupyx.scipy.signal.butter(N, Wn, btype='low', analog=False, output='ba', fs=None)[source]#

Butterworth digital and analog filter design.

Design an Nth-order digital or analog Butterworth filter and return the filter coefficients.

  • N (int) – The order of the filter. For ‘bandpass’ and ‘bandstop’ filters, the resulting order of the final second-order sections (‘sos’) matrix is 2*N, with N the number of biquad sections of the desired system.

  • Wn (array_like) –

    The critical frequency or frequencies. For lowpass and highpass filters, Wn is a scalar; for bandpass and bandstop filters, Wn is a length-2 sequence.

    For a Butterworth filter, this is the point at which the gain drops to 1/sqrt(2) that of the passband (the “-3 dB point”).

    For digital filters, if fs is not specified, Wn units are normalized from 0 to 1, where 1 is the Nyquist frequency (Wn is thus in half cycles / sample and defined as 2*critical frequencies / fs). If fs is specified, Wn is in the same units as fs.

    For analog filters, Wn is an angular frequency (e.g. rad/s).

  • btype ({'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'}, optional) – The type of filter. Default is ‘lowpass’.

  • analog (bool, optional) – When True, return an analog filter, otherwise a digital filter is returned.

  • output ({'ba', 'zpk', 'sos'}, optional) – Type of output: numerator/denominator (‘ba’), pole-zero (‘zpk’), or second-order sections (‘sos’). Default is ‘ba’ for backwards compatibility, but ‘sos’ should be used for general-purpose filtering.

  • fs (float, optional) – The sampling frequency of the digital system.


  • b, a (ndarray, ndarray) – Numerator (b) and denominator (a) polynomials of the IIR filter. Only returned if output='ba'.

  • z, p, k (ndarray, ndarray, float) – Zeros, poles, and system gain of the IIR filter transfer function. Only returned if output='zpk'.

  • sos (ndarray) – Second-order sections representation of the IIR filter. Only returned if output='sos'.


The Butterworth filter has maximally flat frequency response in the passband.

If the transfer function form [b, a] is requested, numerical problems can occur since the conversion between roots and the polynomial coefficients is a numerically sensitive operation, even for N >= 4. It is recommended to work with the SOS representation.


Designing high-order and narrowband IIR filters in TF form can result in unstable or incorrect filtering due to floating point numerical precision issues. Consider inspecting output filter characteristics freqz or designing the filters with second-order sections via output='sos'.